Investment Report No.83

History in the making As events unfold, it can be difficult to parse out what will make it…

10 mins

Investment Report No.82

The late, great Paul Volcker, the towering former Federal Reserve chair, said in 2009 that “the ATM has been the only useful innovation in banking for the past 20 years”.  At Troy, we agree with the sentiment that most complex investment bank products are not good for customers. 

9 mins

Investment Report No.81

As a politics graduate, I have a disproportionate interest in the subject.  I also recognise the distraction that political outcomes pose to investors, often adding mere noise, to be ignored, if we are to succeed. 

8 mins

Investment Report No.80

There is nothing wrong with admitting that you don’t know something.  What makes investing so fascinating and sometimes frustrating is not knowing all the answers.  Explaining market movements is never simple.

9 mins

Investment Report No. 79

After a very different sort of year in 2022, much of the market was caught off guard in 2023 by a showstopping performance from the share prices of a handful of technology companies.

5 mins

Investment Report No.78

In September, the yield on the 10-year US Treasury bond reached 4.8%, its highest level since 2007.  This coincided with, or rather precipitated, weakness across asset classes. 

5 mins

Investment Report No.77

We are slowly emerging from a prolonged period of distortion born of zero interest rates.

11 mins

Investment Report No.76

Mixed Messages The past few weeks are confirmation, if any was needed, that there are consequences of rapidly…

11 mins

Investment Report No.75

A down year “Sell when you can; you are not for all markets.” As You Like It, William…

11 mins

Investment Report No.74

T.I.N.A. R.I.P. If the old, and tried, and safe investments no longer yield their accustomed returns, we must…

11 mins